
Dear Students,

We are very pleased that you have decided to join our outstanding Sixth Form here at HFSix 

To prepare you for your studies we have created transition work to be completed over the summer before joining us in September.

This transition work has been put together to help you prepare for your start to Year 12. 

Please follow the instructions carefully:

  1. Read through the Induction book for your chosen subjects. This will help you fully understand the course and the expectations required of you. 
  2. Complete transition work for your chosen subjects. Please remember advice that was given during your interview about what would be the most suitable course for your current GCSE predictions. 
  3. You will need to complete all the work set for your chosen subjects as well as the Core RE project. 
  4. You will need to collate all your work for your subjects and put it in a folder for each subject and bring your work to your first lesson in your subject. This will act as your first homework assignment. 
  5. If you change subjects at enrolment, you will still need to complete the work and hand it in on your first lesson back.
  6. If you have any questions about the work, please either email the subject teacher directly (emails below) or Mrs Wilbraham.
  7. If you would like to challenge yourself even further, look at the MOOCs per subject page and complete an online course. 

For general enquiries:

Subject Based Work